Friday, September 23, 2011

The Secret World of Walter Anderson by Hester Bass - Non Fiction

“There is beauty Everywhere”

This is a nonfiction book which depicts the life of Walter Anderson. Through reading it we learn of this amazing artist (Walter Anderson) who stayed undiscovered for quite some time. From Horn Island to the Mississippi gulf coast, Anderson spent most time by himself where he would sketch and draw the beautiful things that surrounded him. His true dedication to the arts comes out as the reader learns of his willingness to go through storms and face bouts of lack of food, just so he could continue painting. Now that’s dedication!!!

Reading Level - 3.1

Readers: Below are a few websites that could assist in the learning and teaching of this book!
- This is a website which helps student learn about what the book will be about before they start reading. It gets them engaged and excited to learn about such an important person.

- This website is full of Anderson’s accomplishments and drawings that he has completed throughout to life. Having students look at these after they are done reading will serve as a visual aid, and be able to reinforce the talent that this man had and the dedication he put into his work.

Vocabulary - Some words that might need to be pre-taught to your students include auxiliary, craven, disdain, distraught, grossly, haggard, insolent, lurched.

Before Reading:
I would discuss with students what a “Non fiction” book is, and how it differs from other books. After we discuss the difference I would have them write down a few books that they have read in the past and have them clarify it as fiction or non fiction to make sure they have comprehend what was being taught.

During Reading:
While reading this book in groups I would have the students stop after a few pages and discuss what they learned with a partner. By working together they can make sure that the other one is on task, while sharing new knowledge with a fellow classmate

After Reading:
After reading the book, students can draw a picture of  something that is important to themselves and then write how they think Walter Anderson would describe it, and the importance and beauty he would see in it!

B. (2009). The secret world of Walter Anderson. Cambridge : Candlewick Press.

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